Drone Harmony
Key Features
These key features help our platform set the industry standard in flight management and data organization solutions.
Team-Based Asset Inspection for Enterprise
​Program managers can efficiently assign inspection scopes to field teams, monitor progress, and generate detailed operational reports, all from the office.
With asset-specific inspection instructions, Asset Inspector optimizes pilot output, minimizes collection errors, and provides organized, structured data sets.
New pilots can be trained in only a few hours and integrated into the field team, enabling extreme levels of operational flexibility.
Drone Harmony Live
for Enterprise
Streamlined Drone Operations in Real-Time!
Drone Harmony Live is an advanced cloud-based platform designed to simplify and enhance the management and monitoring of drone operations.
Its cutting-edge features allow users to execute and oversee missions remotely, ensuring efficiency, safety, and real-time control, regardless of location.
Point Cloud
Import your point cloud data directly into our platform, and use the detailed visualization to create better mission plans.
You can import any LAS or LAZ file for this function.
Full 3D
We are determined to make planning as easy and trouble-free as possible. That’s why we have developed one of the most comprehensive 3D planning interfaces in the business.
You can visualize your sites in full 3D, so whether you’re making automated or manual mission plans, you can see exactly where your drone is going to fly.
Mission Planning
Do you find it difficult or time-consuming to create robust flight plans for complex sites?
Our system automatically detects the building, asset, or entire site that you want to inspect or map, and can create your flight plans for you.
The automated flight plan catalog has planning tools for simple orthomosiac creation, complex terrain mapping, facade inspection, or long linear projects. With task-specific mission types, you can automate orbit, double grid, perimeter, facade, and sideways scan linear missions, just to name a few.
Scheduled Automated
Flights (DJI Dock)
In Drone Harmony, you can schedule all your Dock missions. Meaning, that you could schedule all your daily, weekly, or monthly flights for an entire project duration on day 1, and leave the Dock to do its work, worry-free.
Drone Harmony
Airgapped (DJI Dock)
Do you need to keep your data and operations secure?
We can perform an on-premises Dock installation, which is fully localized and integrated with your systems. With our software running securely on your hardware, you and your IT have total data control: no data leaks and all your data is held securely on-site or in your cloud.
Exclusive Features
Full 3D mission planning interface
Automated mission catalog
Point cloud-based planning
Team-based project management
Obstacle avoidance
Enhanced data accuracy
Improved team collaboration
Reduced field time
Fewer drone accidents
Compatible with ALL data processing tools
KLM Import (shapes)
3D and 2D Polygons and Lines
3D missions fly-through simulation
Manual 3D waypoint manipulations
Linear infrastructure missions
Terrain mapping missions
Vertical inspection missions​
Key Benefits
Customizable geofence creation
Mission Linking
Points of Interest (POI)
No fly zones
Map overlay upload (maps, orthomosaics)
Automatic generation of surface maps from point cloud uploads
3D Building Data Import
Simplified workflow
Flight path duplication
Segment Multi-select, Lasso
Catalog of automated missions (40+ variations)
3D tools: Electric Poles, Cell Towers, Buildings, Roads
Intelligent perimeter mission planning
Steep terrain support (hill scan)​
Flight Execution Key Features
Tap to Focus
Scheduled Flights
Full Camera Control
In-Flight Live Camera Feed
Fly to Point
Manual flight via joystick or keyboard
(Automated triggers)
Mission Resume (Long Missions)
Controller Key and Alarm Sensor
Automated Flights
Site and Project Management Key Features
Digital Site Management
Multi-site views interface (unlimited)
Automated Site Versioning
Site Grouping
Distributed Assets Site Management (e.g. Poles, Turbines)
Site navigation panel
Site element visibility toggle
Multiple Dock Live 3D Feed
Automated flight logs
Data Security Key Features
On-Premises Server Software Installation
Cloud Provider Choice (Azure or AWS etc.)
Flexible hardware configurations (server, mini server, laptop etc.)
Data and Communication Encryption
Access Right and Team Management
Flight Safety Key Features
Ability to use Surface Maps as Obstacles
Visual 3D Flight Review
Drone live position in 3D and Map
Obstacle Avoidance & Flight Simulation
Live Flight Tracking Visualization
Team Management Key Features
Automated Team Coorrdination
Individual Pilot Logging
Team Member Tiers
Guided Inspections