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7. Drone Harmony for DJI Dock

1. How to Access your Dock

Account Setup

      1. Creating the Administrator Account:

Go to Website: Visit our DJI dock website at or your private dock website URL if your company has a private Drone Harmony server installation.

Sign In: If not signed in, you will be presented with the Sign In & Account creation page. Use your Google or Apple account to create an account, or use your custom e-mail account. For the custom e-mail account, an e-mail will be sent to verify your account.

      2. Activating the Drone Harmony License:

Contact Customer Success Manager: Provide your administrator e-mail account to activate your DJI Dock enterprise license. Verify your license in the main menu and your dashboard.

3. Adding Additional Users:
Teams Tab: Go to the ‘Teams’ tab in the left side menu and click on the Add Member button. Define user roles at the ‘adding member stage’ and edit this later in the Teams tab.

4. User Roles and Rights:

Roles Overview: The roles include Administrator, Operator, and Observer, each with specific rights. Review the table in the downloadable full guide (linked above) paragraph 2.1.4 to understand the scope and limitations of each user role.

Connecting the Hardware

  1. Connect the Remote Controller: Connect the remote controller to the dock via USB-A/USB-C cable.

2. Open DJI Pilot 2 App: Run the DJI Pilot 2 app on your controller and tap open the dock cover. The dock will appear as a device in the same window that used to represent aircraft.

3. Set Up Cloud Service: The administrator needs to configure the DJI dock with the Drone Harmony Cloud Service using parameters provided in the web dashboard of the administrator account. These parameters need to be copied into the DJI Cloud Service Configuration of the DJI Pilot 2 application, which runs on the DJI dock remote controller.

4. Verify Setup: Check the live feed(s) and telemetry of your dock(s) and drones in the Drone Harmony dock application.

2. Planning Missions

Accessing a Site for Flight Planning

1.Define a Site: A site is a workspace for flight planning. It helps organize planning activities geographically.

2. Load Sites: You can load as many sites as needed across the globe. However, when creating new flight plans, focus on one site at a time. To navigate between the loaded sites, double-click on the desired site on the 2D map or use the Sites panel located on the right-hand side of the screen.

Exploring the Flight Plan Catalog

  1. Open Catalog: Click on the blue plus icon at the web application’s bottom right to access the flight plan catalog. If the plus icon appears gray, you haven’t opened a planning site yet.

2. Select Flight Plan: The catalog has over 40 flight plans tailored to various industries and use cases. Choose the flight plan that fits your needs. Each flight plan defines the type of flight but allows customization, such as which drone to use or the ground sampling distance of your images.

Planning a Flight

  1. Choose Flight Plan: Click on the desired flight plan from the catalog to start planning.

  2. Define Area or Object of Interest: Some flight plans require specific scene objects within your planning site. For example, a Top-Down flight plan requires at least one area marked out as a 2D polygon. If these prerequisites aren’t met, the catalog will alert you with a red notice text.

3. Set Liftoff and Landing Spots: After setting these spots on the 2D map, you’ll enter the FULL-3D flight planning environment of Drone Harmony, which provides a real-time preview of your drone’s flight path.

4. Adjust Parameters: Use the left-side panel to tweak flight plan parameters. Changes are immediately reflected in the preview window.

5. Save Parameter Profiles: Save your favorite parameter settings using the flight parameter profiles feature for easy recall in future sessions.

3. Executing Missions

Launching Automatic Missions


1. Prepare the Dock and Aircraft:

•Ensure the dock and aircraft are connected and in good working condition.

•Status Check: Verify that the dock status is “Idle” and the aircraft status is “Standby”.

2. Select a Mission:

•Choose the pre-planned mission from the mission catalog.

•Ensure all prerequisites for the mission are met (e.g., required area marked as a 2D polygon).

3. Launch the Mission:

•Click the “Launch” button available in the live feed to start the mission.

•You can also initiate launch by right clicking on the desired mission.

4. Monitor and Control:

•Keep an eye on the live feed from the drone’s camera and the telemetry data.

•If necessary, you can pause the mission or take manual control of the drone.

Manual Control

1.Enter Manual Mode: You can enter manual control mode only if the drone hovers, the Dock has a “working” status, and the drone is in “manual” status. This can be accessed if:

•The mission was paused

•The mission is complete and the drone hovers

•The “takeoff” feature was used

•The “fly to here” feature was used.

•Screenshot: Interface showing how to enter manual control mode from the Live feed.

2. Set Parameters: Set flight parameters from the Live feed. The manual control keys for the drone and camera will appear on the screen once you enter manual mode.

•Screenshot: Manual control keys interface for the drone and camera.

3. Exit Manual Mode: When finished, you can either RTH (Return to Home) before executing the mission again from the start or resume if the mission was paused before entering manual mode. Note that mission resume will not work if the mission was not paused before entering manual control mode and/or RTH.

Mission Scheduling (See Chapter 6 for a full documentation and detailed information)

1.Immediate Task:

•Schedule the mission to execute immediately after completing all the launching steps.

•If the task cannot be completed (e.g., due to weather conditions), it will expire within the set timeframe.

2. Specific Day:

•Schedule the mission to run once at a specific date and time.

3. Daily and Weekly Options:

•Set the mission to run at designated launch times on specific days of the week.

•You can add multiple launch times per day and vary the days of the week.

4. Conflict Resolution and Reattempt Protocol:

•The dock will reattempt the task every 10 minutes, up to a maximum of 5 times (1-hour cycle), if it cannot be executed at the planned time.

•Failed tasks will be recorded in the history tab with relevant messages.

4. Data Organization

Media Tab

1.Organize Data: The media tab helps you organize collected data, download and review images or videos collected during mission execution. Use the Filter to current map view switcher to review images available for the account or filter to images made within the sites/flights in the current map view.

2. Sort Data: Data can be sorted by days when it was collected, by mission, by the user that collected data, and by the payload used to make the photos. Download or delete particular photos or in bulk for an entire flight plan or workday.

Exporting Data

1.Types of Data: Export/download point clouds, terrain files, images, sites, flight plans, and flight logs.

2. Procedure: Go to the menu and select Export Data to download the necessary files. This includes downloading point cloud and terrain files originally provided by the user.

5. Managing Multiple Docks Simultaneously

1.Setup Multiple Docks: Each dock must be linked with the DJI remote controller and configured with the Drone Harmony Cloud Service.

2. Monitor and Control: Use the web client to monitor the status and control each dock. Ensure each dock is properly configured and linked to the cloud service for seamless operation. This includes checking the live feed(s) and telemetry for each dock and drone.

6. Full User Guide (PDF)


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