1. Getting Started
This page contains the instructions for activating and installing Drone Harmony.

2. Site Management
How to Navigate the Site Interface Syncing Sites to the Cloud Importing Point Clouds Terrain Data Sets Importing Terrain Data Sets into...

3. Flight Plan Creation
Drone Harmony features a unique flight planning workflow called scene-based workflow. It consists of two main steps.

4. Flight Execution
Learn all about settings, calibration, take-off, flying and resume missions.

5. Data Organization
Easily browse captured drone data. Images are sorted by time, date, dock, and flights.

6. Flight Safety Features
Here we list the main safety features, dos and don’ts for flying with Drone Harmony.

7. Drone Harmony for DJI Dock
Seamless drone-in-a-box systems control via a web-based interface.

8. Asset Inspections
This document describes the simple workflow of capturing accurate asset data using the Drone Harmony Asset Scanner.

9. Inspecting Electric Transmission Towers and Poles
Drone Harmony is a state-of-the-art software that streamlines the process of inspecting electric transmission towers and poles using drones.