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What’s next from Drone Harmony?

2024 was a big year here at Drone Harmony, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! We’re especially excited to see the site workflow automation moving forward thanks to the DJI Drone Dock and the introduction of tools for distributed asset inspection enabling quick and easy distribution pole inspections with structured data in Asset Inspector. Check out the blog to see all the amazing work our customers have done worldwide, at locations ranging from LNG terminals to glaciers.

Of course, we’re also looking forward to 2025! We won’t tell you all of our top-secret plans ;)  here, but here are some hints: 

Get ready to manage large scopes of work AND teams more efficiently while performing inspections faster - we’re bringing a set of Enterprise tools to make it easier for project managers and planners to assign inspections to pilots.  At the same time working to reduce the cycle time for pilots in the field using template inspections  - no need for perfect pole locations and no point cloud required.

No matter what site you are monitoring with a DJI Dock, from active construction to a substation, there are times and places where you know there shouldn’t be people. To expand your capacities, and increase security, we’re bringing human detection in the live stream from your DJI Dock’s drone. Any Dock operator will be easily able to spot safety risks or intruders and react immediately.

Got a point cloud? Soon you’ll be able to use it to plan missions with precise obstacle avoidance. Planning on complex sites with trees, powerlines and buildings will be even faster, easier and more reliable, allowing you to focus on the job at hand.

Not enough? We’ll also expand our supported drone options, enable some additional Enterprise workflows, and stay in touch with our customers and the industry to bring you the best possible toolset and experience. 

Got questions, or ideas, or need help? Let us know -

Outlook 2025 Drone Harmony


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